Nahanni National Park
(Nahʔą Dehé)

The Cirque of the Unclimbables’ granite spires rise out of the lush alpine meadow, at Náįlįcho (Virginia Falls) the South Nahanni River surges over a drop twice the height of Niagara Falls. Nahanni National Park Reserve, encompassing 30,000 square kilometers, is a designated UNESCO world heritage site. The Dehcho First Nations welcome adventurers to Nahʔą Dehé, land of peaks, plateaus and wild rivers.

Virginia Falls (Náįlįcho)

It has a total drop of 96 m (315 ft), making it about twice the height of Niagara Falls. It consists of a single drop with an average width of 259 m (850 ft). The rock in the centre of the falls is called Mason's Rock, named after Bill Mason, the famous Canadian canoeist, author, and filmmaker.


Nahanni outfitters

Fort Simpson is the perfect base for your Nahanni National Park adventure

Glacier Lake
